Posts Tagged With: migration

Spring at last!

You can tell it’s here by the stack of books next to my bed. Field guides, warbler ID books, bird call CDs, tales from other birders’ Big Years — I’m ready for waves of migrants.

Some people like to waste their spring mucking around in the dirt of their gardens. Me? I’ll let this energetic leaf-scratcher do my raking.

Fox Sparrow

Fox Sparrow

(No, he wouldn’t come out from behind that post, even when I asked politely.)

The Fox Sparrows will rummage around under trees and in leaf piles for a week or so before heading off north, and that will be the last of them until they make a quick stopoff in the fall. I love their warm chipmunk color.

Categories: Bird photos, Feeder birds, First of season | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment

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